Spring Working Party
13 April 2019
Nine members attended this session and a significant amount of work was able to be achieved. This session focused on the section of river around the Burgess Bridge and further upstream.
Spring Volunteers
A bright and early start, a short briefing on the Burgess Bridge from Treasurer Ian Wynn and the party were ready for the days tasks. Members Mark Bisson, Charlie Jackson, David Tracy, Stuart Barr, Alan Beilby, Peter Osborne, Ian Barker and Martyn Shaw were all soon 'on task'.
Please continue to scroll down to see the full story and all the pictures.

These trees had been lying across the bridge supports for some time following winter floods.

Some great work completed and the natural flow under the bridge has been returned to normal. A lot of sweat and hard work plus a good 'dunking' for Ian Wynn when he stepped off the concrete bridge supports and decided to inspect progress below surface!!
Before and After Pictures

The View Upstream after we had finished.

A selection of photos showing the onset of Spring and members of the working party during the day. Please scroll down

Spring Has Arrived
Early Summer Working Party
Paul Leng, Stuart Barr, Peter Osborne, Sam Roberts, Ian Hunter and Ian Wynn continued the good work started in the Spring making good progress along significant sections of the beat. Members will now have better access and casting room on many pools and riffles throughout our section of the Nidd Gorge.