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Kick Sampling

Since 2019 members Peter Welsh and Paul Leng have carried out Kick Sampling exercises three times a year.  The results are impressive and our hope in carrying out the samples is to maintain a record of fly life so we can monitor the general condition of our section of the River Nidd.

River Kick Sampling: About

Sampling the river bed just below the bridge

River Kick Sampling: Welcome


A standard size net is used for all sampling procedures.  Here Peter is examining the contents following a 1 minute of sampling activity.  Initially the contents are washed within the net prior to being transferred to the holding bucket.

River Kick Sampling: About


Once in position the net is placed onto the river bed and then a 'shuffling' or 'kicking' of the river bed is undertaken whilst slowly moving up stream during the minute the sampling is taking place.
This ensures a larger section of river is covered and hopefully this produces a variety of specimens to be examined.
The procedure is then repeated in different locations, subsequent sampling later in the year will try and ensure the same locations are used to enable comparisons to be made over the year and from year to year as we build up a data base of information.

River Kick Sampling: About

Once the 3 One Minute samples have been gathered then the more difficult task of sorting and identifying each specie is undertaken.  The use of a standard size net is to ensure that there is comparability between each separate sample on the day as well as throughout all samples taken during the year.

River Kick Sampling: About
River Kick Sampling: About
River Kick Sampling: Image


Having sorted the sample into broad categories Peter and Paul then spend time examining each invertebrate to correctly categorise it prior to recording the results.  

River Kick Sampling: Image


Cased Cadis                   12
Uncased cadis                 3
Mayfly                             10
Flat Bodied Heptagenid   3
Stonefly                            4
Olives                               3
BWO/Shrimps                  0
Minnows                           7
Leech                                1
Bull Heads                        0
Stone Loach                     0

IMG_2359 (1)_edited.jpg


Cased Cadis                   15
Uncased cadis                 7
Mayfly                             16
Flat Bodied Heptagenid   3
Stonefly                            1
Olives                              20
BWO/Shrimps                  0
Minnows                           0
Leech                                0
Bull Heads                        1
Stone Loach                     0



Cased Cadis                    5
Uncased cadis                 1
Mayfly                              1
Flat Bodied Heptagenid   1
Stonefly                            2
Olives                               0
BWO/Shrimps                  0
Minnows                           1
Leech                                1
Bull Heads                        0
Stone Loach                     1

River Kick Sampling: Inventory
River Kick Sampling: About
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