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Cohort 2 And there is still more good news to share!


Once we had successfully fished on a still water the next stage was to meet up at the AJS FlyFishers water in the Nidd Gorge for the river fishing experiences.

River Fishing


After the success of our day at Kilnsey it was time to get down to the AJS FlyFishers water on the River Nidd.


Mark Gambles and Charlie Jackson were our key coaches for the day and here Charlie provides the initial instruction about how to present a fly on moving water.  AJS Members Chris Stevenson and Paul Leng also attended together with Scout Leader Paula and Ian Wynn, Club Hon. Treasurer .  The group were each given various beats to fish using a variety of techniques during the day.


Once again it was young Louis that seemed to have the magic touch and here he successfully casts a pair of nymphs into a pocket water area and hooks a nice wild brownie.  He may be the youngest of this cohort but he certainly seems to have the knack in most, if not all, aspects we have covered so far.


We are currently have a break over the summer holidays but we will be back down at the River Nidd on 4 September.  More news after that.

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